Sunday, 28 August 2016

Final Collection of MakerSpace Camp

Here is our video highlighting all the really cool things we say made these three weeks.

Video about MakerSpace Camp

Friday, 26 August 2016

Wk 3 Day 5 Final Game Creations

Here we are at the end of MakerSpace Camp.  We finish it off with some amazing games on Kodu and Scratch.  If you can get an free account and join their communities, check out our games and enjoy!
Final projects

On behalf of Marc and Scott, it has been a pleasure getting to know your children and trust they learned a lot that they can use going forward.

And keep an eye out for our final blog next week.  We are creating a video montage of everything we have done these past three weeks to let people know just how cool these three weeks have been.


Thursday, 25 August 2016

Wk 3 Day 4 Coding with Unity

Today, we installed the Unity platform and got started on the first tutorial.  A very time-consuming, challenging project but  we made progress!


Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Wk 3 Day 3 Working with Kodu and writing Code

Today, we created some games through Kodu to be played on an XBox console.  We also started writing some simple JavaScript and Pencil Code.

Kodu games

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Wk3 Day 2 Coding with Scratch

So we took it up a level today and everyone learned how to create a character in Scratch and program a simple journey.  Check out some of our creations!!

Scratch creations

Monday, 22 August 2016

Wk 3 Day 1 Simple Coding with Kodable, Hour of Code and EV3 Mindstorms

We starting our Game Creation week learning how to program with Block code.  We used the Kodable, Hour of Code and Mindstorms to learn how to move an object.


Hour of Code

Mindstorms robotics

Friday, 19 August 2016

Wk 2 Day 5 Final Projects

We created a composite promotional video of all the work we have done over the past two weeks as well as some individual projects.  Be sure and check out the documentary done by Nick.  Enjoy!

Promo Video

Final Projects

Man Dies by Dustin

On the Lego Run by Rocco

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Wk 2 Day 4 Photo Editing and Live Streaming

We learned how to create overlays and do photo editing using GIMP.  We also did a live stream show at 1pm using green screen.

Live Streaming and Overlays

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Wk 2 Day 3pm Editing

We are now putting our movies together and publishing them.  Enjoy!

At the Mall by Rocco

Stickman Journey by Dustin

Wk 2 Day 3am Pic Collage

We learned how to create digital logos and backgrounds for our movies using Pic Collage.  Check out our creations.  Our assignment was to create a new logo for our MakerSpace Camp.

Pic Collage

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Monday, 15 August 2016

Wk 2 Day 1 Stop Motion

We started with creating stop motion movies using a variety of mediums.  Check out our movies.Stop Motion movies

Friday, 12 August 2016