Thursday, 17 August 2017

Aug 17 Final production

We have started posting our videos.  Finn, Evan, and Simon have uploaded their videos.  Enjoy!

Aug 16 Video Editing and Audio

Today, we introduced Windows Moviemaker and all the different features involved with it.  We looked at how you can edit and trim clips, change the order of the clips and add audio including copyright free music and special effects.

We explained movie making uses four programs.  The program shooting the video, the program to store the videos, the program to edit the movie and the program to broadcast the movie.  I normally post to Youtube and then link the video to other sources.

In Science, we made bouncy balls and burned a smiley face on a balloon.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Aug 15 Green Screen

Today was all about Green Screen and the things you can do it.  We look at how you can put an object anywhere in the universe, combine stop motion, green screen and live action and create some really interesting effects like disappearing people and floating objects.

In Science, we made crazy putty, balloon skewers and blew up a balloon using vinegar and baking soda.

We are anticipating the movies will be posted by the end of the week.


Aug 14 Stop Motion

Hello all,
Today, we focused the elements of a good movie and storytelling.  We started with story boards and moved into the Stop Motion app which allows you to edit, add voice over and delete particular pictures.

In Science, we made snot and made a diet coke explode using mentos.  Check out Simon's video on it.

Check later for our movies once we have our editing done.

Friday, 11 August 2017

Aug 11 Final competitions

Hello all,
We are getting ready for our live stream obstacle course but I wanted to share with you a couple sites that I showed the campers today.
If you are interested in getting the Wonder robot, it cost about $150 at Toys R US or directly from Wonder.  You can also participate in an online tournament they do from Christmas to March where the robot goes through different activites and you videotape yourself completing the activities.  It is for ages 9-12.  If you want to do the tournament, let me know and I can register you through my school.  For more info, go to

Also, I showed the campers my favorite robot warehouse.  Everything you can think of is located at  I like to go to the site and check out their new arrivals every couple months to see what new products are coming out in the world of robots.

Finally, we saw this week Evan code a whole new game, Kaiden, Cole and Gabe build and code a robot that became a perpetual motion machine, Ewan program a search and rescue device, Noah successfully navigate the entire obstacle course, Scott and Isaac build and program a robot that navigated the entire maze and Evan, Logan, Ewan code the Dash robot through the entire maze.  All in all, a fabulous week and once we get all the videos uploaded, be sure and check us out.  Robot challenges

We just completed the tournament and thank you for the 46 people who logged in live and watch us.  Thank you for all the comments and please feel free to share our facebook page and this blog with others.  The Ultimate Obstacle Course

We will be continuing next week with Digital Cinematology next week learning how to do stop motion, green screen and animated movies.  You will likely see us use a lot of our videos from this week to make some Youtube videos.  Our last week is game creation where we use our coding skills and use them for creating video games.

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Aug 10 Programming robots

Today, we spent most of the day programming our robots to navigate our maze.  We discovered Dash navigates it pretty well but our Lego robots have more of a challenge.  Everyone has been able to figure out how to program, we are just finetuning things now.

We explored fractal spreading and burst balloons in science today.

Tomorrow we build our obstacle course and will live stream the event at 1pm.

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Aug 9 Robotic Programming

Hello folks,
Another great day with robotics.  The campers were introduced to the Dash robot from the Wonder company and its three apps of remote, blockly and language coding in the morning.  We also introduced the Powder Toy program which allows you to do virtual chemistry as well as mechanical and electrical design.

At lunch, we made snot and rubber balls.  Making snot

In the afternoon, we introduced Lego Mindstorms EV3 programming and started building our robots.  We created our maze and started on our big challenge of navigating the robots through it.

Yesterday's videos are up and hopefully will have today's videos tomorrow.  Just a heads up that we are looking at livestreaming through my Facebook page the big challenge on Friday at 1pm if you can watch.

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Aug 8 2017 Robotic design

We have got off to a great start with Noah, Cole, Gabe, Isaac, Scott, Kaeden, Logan, Evan, and Ewan.  Today, we got our accounts set up in TinkerCad and Sculptris and started posting our creations on Thingiverse.  Check out the video coming shortly to see some of our creations.

And yes, Isaac, I knew our soda pops that we created at lunch time would taste awful.  I think we understand now just how much sugar is needed to make carbonated water taste good.  Our mentos/diet coke demo worked really good as well.Robotic designs