Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Aug 8 2017 Robotic design

We have got off to a great start with Noah, Cole, Gabe, Isaac, Scott, Kaeden, Logan, Evan, and Ewan.  Today, we got our accounts set up in TinkerCad and Sculptris and started posting our creations on Thingiverse.  Check out the video coming shortly to see some of our creations.

And yes, Isaac, I knew our soda pops that we created at lunch time would taste awful.  I think we understand now just how much sugar is needed to make carbonated water taste good.  Our mentos/diet coke demo worked really good as well.Robotic designs


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Gabe and Cole are loving Sculptris and have big plans for 3-D printing. Thanks for a great day at tech camp. Blessings - From the Bradens.
